Today, I stayed in bed an hour after my alarm went off. While in bed, I turned towards my desk, seeing it covered in a couple of dishes from last night. I stared at it for a minute as my mind went on an on about how much it doesn’t want to get up and face today. Then I realized something that helped me shoot straight out from under the covers.

I think a lot of us stay in bed longer than we need to because we automatically are grading ourselves. We expect someone waiting for us as soon as we wake up, hounding us about what we need to do today and how quickly we can get it done. This is immediately demotivating because it minimizes life to be this set of to-dos that need to be accomplished. So, I’ve decided to think differently.

I wake up now with the intention to learn. That’s it. Learning is something that happens consciously and unconsciously. It helps us to focus on the process and not be so tunnel vision on the outcome. It’s something that happens whether we have failed or succeeded. It’s a non-stop force until we die. Having this in mind helped me get out of bed with minimal resistance. I felt more at ease and the sense of dreariness had reduced dramatically.

There will still be that whisper of fear that wants to convince you otherwise so you can continue to have a reason to instantly gratify yourself. Address it by telling it the truth: “I am here to learn”.