When I’m in a rut, I decide to google multiple ways of saying ‘how do I get started?’ in order to ‘feel’ for the perfect set of steps that will help me. I do this for a couple of hours and my brain crashes from information overload. Usually, I give up and start watching Netflix.

But, I had an a-ha! moment. Why don’t I make something that works for me? It would be an organizational system that doesn’t just consider the to-dos but also my mental well being. It would be general enough that I could customize it weekly but described in steps for clarity. It’s called the Reset System.

Here it is:

  1. Journal
  2. To-Dos
  3. Plan
  4. Schedule
  5. Meditate
  6. Execute

It’s six steps with a whole lot of nuance. However, the nuance just brings more clarity and precision to get you started on your project.

Let’s break down number one:


First ask: why.

It doesn’t have to be fancy. Just pick a feeling from your emotional vortex within and start there.

Ex: Why am I sad?

Respond. There’s no judgment – just write.

Ex: I am sad because I believe that he doesn’t like me back. Did you ever ask him? No. Why don’t you ask him? I’m scared. Why? I believe he is going to reject me. Why do you believe is going to reject you? He might not think I’m pretty enough. What does pretty mean to you?…

Okay, so you’ve written for a while, now what? You read it.

Reading it will help you identify the two keys to letting go. Those keys are: beliefs and values.

Beliefs are stories our minds create about our situations. Values are character traits we accept. How are these related? Beliefs are specific statements that support our values.

I need to be accepted by everyone to be happy.


Identifying your belief allows you to know what specific perspective you need to change, while identifying your value gives you the context to where that belief applies.

I need to accept myself in order to be happy.


Of course, more detail would surround these statements. For example, you can explain why you are accepting your new belief. But, it’s about starting with those two basics in order to get straight to the root of your emotional hangovers.

Okay on to numbers two and three:

To-Dos to Plans

Let’s talk about abstraction. It’s convenient in computer science; it’s convenient in establishing goals.

Abstracted Productivity System

  1. Create a list of main categories
  2. Create a list of subcategories for each main category
  3. Create a list of steps for each subcategory



  1. School
    1. Finances
      1. School Entrance Fees
        1. Tuition
          1. Call university to double check if I qualify for_______
          2. Wait for_______
          3. …​​

​​​​​​​​​This way synthesizes what needs to be accomplished and the steps needed. It’s visually uncluttered and provides context for what needs to be done.

That was short and sweet, so let’s go to number 4:


Scheduling has always been difficult for me. It requires the dreaded concept of time management. For homework assignments, I would make this mistake in my planner:


English Paper


English Paper


English Paper


English Paper


English Paper (Due)

Writing down “English Paper” multiple times tells me nothing about what steps to take. It’s too general. It led me to be overwhelmed and made it easier to procrastinate due to it’s deceiving simplicity. Here’s a better option:


English Paper:

  • Research articles about entrepreneurship within the health industry
  • Read and annotate articles


English Paper:

  • Create an outline


English Paper:

  • Write first draft

English Paper:

  • Write second draft

English Paper:

  • Ask for a review

English Paper

  • Submit 

Here the paper seems to be a more tangible task. But just in case overwhelm is still lurking…


Take five, ten or fifteen minutes to just sit in silence letting your mind be free. Most likely, you will feel a sense of calm after organizing but meditation acts as a boost to sustain that feeling of control.

I like to use Headspace, a meditation app (not a sponsorship). Do what works best for you.


It’s time to take action, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind. This Reset System does not eliminate the need to revise plans. Life happens, so plans change. In addition, it’s not guaranteed to work for you. But, I like to believe it will.

Let’s do this.